Sustentabilidade: O Pilar que Sustenta a ACCELL
Sustentabilidade O Pilar que Sustenta a ACCELL Na ACCELL, a sustentabilidade não é apenas uma palavra de ordem. Ela é um dos pilares fundamentais que
Accell Solutions, a multinational company in the sector of solutions for water, gas and smart solutions, with unit in Jardim Boer, in Americana, was awarded the prize for best governance strategy in the launching of lead-free water meters at Fenasan (National Fair of Sanitation and Environment), held between September 13 and 15, at Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo.
The event brought together more than 250 exhibitors and awarded three companies in each ESG category, which stands for environmental, social, and governance strategy applications.
The winners were audited by the AESABESP (Associação dos Engenheiros da Sabesp) commission - organizer of Fenasan - through documents referring to planning, projects, and governance applications.
"This award is recognition for all the effort, dedication, commitment of each and every one of Accell's employees and crowns all the struggle we are facing, but also reaffirms that we are on the right track. So I thank all the employees, customers, suppliers and partners who continue working together with Accell", says Fernando Souza, president of the multinational company, which also has units in Mexico and Argentina.
The metal alloy ecoCAZt has a lead-free chemical composition, as well as mechanical properties superior to bronzes and brasses, commonly used in the production of these hydrometers.
Accell aims to follow global governance processes for research and development projects for products in the sanitation area and to mitigate the growth and indiscriminate use of bronzes in bearings, hydrometers, valves, and copper by-products with a high level of pollution.
With this, the company eliminates the harm caused to health by lead, since any manufacturer that uses copper-based metal alloys, whether bronze or brass, is obliged to use this element. "Our goal is to change this," emphasizes Fernando Souza.
Accell has the know-how of more than 75 years in the development of solutions that combine technology, ease of use and savings of natural resources. Considering that the multinational's main activity is related to the water segment, its objective is conscious consumption and intelligent commercial and operational management of losses.
In 10 years, Accell wants to be seen as a company that has made the world a connected, conscious and sustainable environment through the acceleration of eco-technologies and smart management of natural resources, as well as a pioneer in manufacturing lead-free metal alloy products in the world market.
Source O Liberal
Sustentabilidade O Pilar que Sustenta a ACCELL Na ACCELL, a sustentabilidade não é apenas uma palavra de ordem. Ela é um dos pilares fundamentais que
Com a publicação da Portaria 155/2022 do Inmetro e as metas de universalização previstas no marco do saneamento, as novas ligações de água e a
Estamos na TV no Programa Feira de Negócio A Accell Solutions está à frente do mercado e em constante evolução com pesquisas e lançamentos de