Privacy Policy

About Us

Accell Solutions values the commitment to respect, security and privacy of all employees, customers and website users. Therefore, due to the General Law of Data Protection (Law 13.709/2018, LGPD), this Privacy Policy was created to ensure the rights contained therein and thus then provide a great browsing experience. We also affirm that the data provided to us will not be disclosed to third parties without the prior authorization of its owner. Only the data necessary for previously established procedures will be shared.

1. To whom does this Privacy Policy apply?

It applies to any and all users who, in any way, have provided their personal data to Accell. By accepting this Policy, you freely, unequivocally and informedly express your consent to the processing of data, as well as we will be committed to protect them, always maintaining the ethical and legal principles.  

2. What information will be collected and for what purpose?

Accell Solutions collects information so that your registration on our platform is possible, as well as for us to contact you, so that services can then be performed. We may request:


- Email address;

- Phone number;

- Others, which may be necessary, are covered by this Policy. In addition, some data may be requested for compliance with legal requirements.

3. With whom will the data be shared?

Your personal data will only be shared for necessary activities, such as for the provision of services, partners and regulatory bodies. It may also be provided for marketing operations, for sending advertisements and/or offers to the user, through their contact-related data. Furthermore, the data may be shared with insurance and information security companies, all to ensure the safety of our users. We reinforce that your data will never be commercialized. 

4. What are cookies and what is their purpose?

Cookies are small archiving tools of a website that give a short-term memory about your browsing information. There are two types of cookies: functional and performance cookies. The first is indispensable for the proper functioning of the site, being stored only for the duration of the session, so your consent is not necessary for the use of these cookies. The performance cookies, on the other hand, require your authorization because they are used to personalize your navigation, remembering your habits (used to speed up the filling out of forms, for example).  

5. What are the rights of the data subjects?

Article 18 of the LGPD guarantees the data subject the right, upon formal request, to receive information inherent to their data. The request will be analyzed, but it is important to be aware that some requests may not be fulfilled, due to legal obligations. Such rights are

- Confirmation of the existence of treatment;

- Data Access;

- Rectification of incomplete data,

- inaccurate or outdated;

- Anonymization and deletion of data that is unnecessary or processed in violation of the provisions of this Law;

- Portability of data to another service provider, uponexpress request, in agreement with the National Authority for Data Protection Authority;

- Revocation of consent;

- Information from public and/or private entities with which the controller has made shared use of data;

- Información sobre la posibilidad de no dar el consentimiento y la consecuencias.

6. Retention and deletion of your personal data

Os dados serão armazenados em nossa plataforma pelo tempo necessário para a prestação de serviços, processos seletivos e outros fins legítimos e essenciais. A pedido do usuário, os dados serão anonimizados ou eliminados da plataforma, de modo que não sejam identificados, garantindo a sua privacidade. No entanto, alguns dados podem ficar retidos por períodos adicionais para o cumprimento de ações legais e/ou regulatórias, exercício regular de direito da Accell, eventuais ações judiciais, fins de auditorias de diversas naturezas, ou outros motivos fundamentados por bases legais que justifiquem a permanência desses dados em nosso sistema. 

7. Talk to us

For more information about the privacy policy, how the platform works, and how your personal data is used, please contact us through our service channels available on the site. 
